Your quintessential quantum queen and the saltiest sage in frequency medicine and metaphysics.

Meet Sister Sodium

A disabled Army veteran turned maverick healer, Sister Sodium transformed her injuries into a crusade for cosmic cures. She dives into the vibrational vortex where skeptics dare not tread, seeking not only personal healing but also a mission to demystify the science behind frequencies. Her pioneering work in frequency medicine has given her a second chance at life, and she is dedicated to sharing this transformative knowledge with the world.

My mission at Frequency for the People is to make frequency medicine accessible in every place it’s needed—empowering individuals, businesses, and communities to harness healing frequencies without limitations. In a world filled with harmful EMFs, environmental stressors, and the pressures of modern living, I believe in providing powerful tools for resilience and well-being. My downloadable frequency sets work offline, belong to you for life, and offer freedom in how they’re used to support wellness wherever it’s needed.

